Gospel Homes for Women
—The History of GHW—
“It started with Paul & I picking up the homeless and bringing them to church. I look back over the past 20 years and am in awe at how God has used us.”
A Heart for Those in Need
Paul & Marilyn Vyzourek founded the Springs Rescue Mission in 1995, becoming official in 1996. At the time, Marilyn was attending Charis Bible College and took on the roles of Volunteer Coordinator, Event Planning & Fund Raising, Jail & Prayer Ministry - “I soon found that when God puts something in front of you to do, it’s the path to your and He will make a way for you to keep doing it”. Continuing to minister to the physical and spiritual needs of struggling people, in 1999 they founded the New York Metropolitan City Missions - just off Times Square. Following the call of God to be proactive in the mission of establishing mercy-based ministries, Marilyn and Paul began Victor Valley Rescue Mission in 2006 in Victorville, California.
Throughout all of these blessings there
was a heavy burden upon Marilyn’s heart.
“These ministries generally served men. What about the women? Those women who are in need of help; the hungry, homeless, struggling, indigent, and addicts of Colorado Springs. It’s dangerous out there. A woman can be robbed, raped, beaten or even killed on the streets.”
Unmet Needs of Women
Prompted by the Lord and seeing this unmet need for society’s rejected women, Marilyn opened a transitional housing facility in 2002 known as Liza’s Place, under the ministry Gospel Shelters for Women. This special home received not only homeless women but women being released from incarceration; as a safe haven for healing and connecting to the Lord. Marilyn didn’t stop there but continued to open facilities specifically for women in Victorville, CA.
“It is no longer just men that are in need of help; there are women & children, displaced families, even mentally ill.”
“Our homes provide a safe an nurturing environment for women who need Christ’s love.”
Hometown Hero
After the passing of her beloved husband Paul, Marilyn transitioned her focus and energy on the Colorado Springs Gospel Homes for Women, which she started in 2014. Her mission was not just about helping these ladies in need but empowering them with the strength of God to restart their lives. No one ever decides that they want to become an addict, or get caught up in an abusive relationship that strips them of their identity. It is never one’s life goal to become broken.
Marilyn was honored March 2018 as the “American Red Cross Hometown Hero” for her extraordinary service to the women of Colorado Springs.